
おうちごはん Day 2





1 居住者は自宅,訪問者はホテル等の滞在場所で自己検疫を行うことが求められ,違反者は5,000ドル以下の罰金又は1年以下の禁固若しくはその両方が科せられます。
2 この命令は現地時間の3月26日(木)から施行され,現時点では期限は定められていません。

The governor says that this mandate will go into effect on March 26 to allow travelers the opportunity to cancel or reschedule their trip to the state. He says it will also allow industry partners to adjust to the new mandate. 
The mandatory 14-day self-quarantine orders are: 
  1. Proceed directly from the airport to your designated quarantine location, which is the location identified and affirmed by you on the mandatory State of Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture Plants and Animals Declaration Form.
  2. Remain in your designated quarantine location for a period of 14 days or the duration of your stay in the State of Hawai‘i, whichever is shorter. 
  3. If you are a resident, your designated quarantine location is your place of residence.
  4. If you are a visitor, your designated quarantine location is your hotel room or rented lodging.
  5. You can only leave your designated quarantine location for medical emergencies or to seek medical care.
  6. Do not visit any public spaces, including but not limited to pools, meeting rooms, fitness centers or restaurants.
  7. Do not allow visitors in or out of your designated quarantine location other than a physician, healthcare provider, or individual authorized to enter the designated quarantine location by the Director of HIEMA.
  8. Comply with any and all rules or protocols related to your quarantine as set forth by your hotel or rented lodging.
  9. If you become ill with a fever or cough:
    • Continue to stay in designated quarantine location, avoid contact with others and contact a healthcare provider for further instructions on treatment or testing.
    • If you are older or have any medical conditions (e.g., immune compromise, diabetes, asthma), consult your regular healthcare provider.
    • If you feel you need medical care, contact healthcare provider and inform them of your travel history.
    • If you need urgent medical care (e.g., have difficulty breathing), call 9-1-1 and let the dispatcher know your travel history).

Travelers will be responsible to get to their place of quarantine.